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Making a strong first impression on prospective parents and students is crucial, and your school’s website plays a key role in this.

While we’re told not to judge a book by its cover, parents often judge a school by its website. Here’s a list of the top things parents will be checking out:


1. School Mission and Values

This is a great way to showcase what your school is all about. Your mission statement should portray what you stand for as a school, from this parents can decide whether they align with your values.

2. Academic Curriculum

It’s what we go to school for. By displaying your curriculum parents can gain an insight into what you offer in terms of education. Use this as a way to showcase where you have unique offerings – whether this be a specialist language or

3. Calendar and Events

Your school’s website calendar should include term dates; parent’s will need to plan events and holidays according to these so having them displayed on your website is highly important. The calendar can also illustrate any added extra events or trips for the students.

4. Contact Information and Communication Channels

Parents need to know how best to get in touch with your school, whether this is for emergencies or to notify of any necessary information. Your website is going to be the first place they go to access your contact information so it needs to be clearly displayed.

Communication channels, more specifically your school’s social media, are a great way to give real-time updates to parents. This will be the fastest way to give out widespread information, such as emergency school closures or reasons for celebration.