In today’s digital age, where the internet and social media have become important parts of our lives, schools play a crucial role in teaching students how to stay safe online. Here are some ways in which your school can help to keep your students safe on the internet:

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  1. Develop an Internet Safety Policy
  • Establish a clear and well-communicated internet safety policy.
  • Involve stakeholders, including teachers, students, and parents, in the policy development process.
  1. Provide Internet Safety Education
  • Integrate internet safety education into your curriculum at appropriate grade levels.
  • Conduct regular workshops and training sessions for your students, teachers, and parents on online safety best practices.
  1. Filter and Monitor Internet Content
  • Implement content filtering tools to restrict access to inappropriate or harmful content.
  • Regularly monitor internet usage within your school network.
  1. Control Access to Personal Information
  • Teach students and staff about the importance of not sharing personal information online.
  • Restrict access to sensitive information and ensure secure storage.
  1. Promote Responsible Social Media Use
  • Encourage responsible use of social media platforms among students and staff.
  • Teach about the potential consequences of inappropriate online behaviour.
  1. Monitor and Address Cyberbullying
  • Establish protocols for reporting and addressing incidents of cyberbullying.
  • Foster a culture where your students feel comfortable reporting online harassment.
  1. Collaborate with Parents
  • Keep parents informed about your school’s internet safety policies and practices.
  • Provide resources and tips for parents to promote safe internet use at home.


By implementing and regularly reviewing these measures, your school can contribute to a safer online environment for students, teachers, and staff.

For more information, please get in touch by calling 01282 858 200 or emailing us at