We are thrilled to announce that our official Creativeworld Twitter account following has this month hit the magic 5,000 mark!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our social media followers for sharing their fantastic feedback, opinions and valued support with us throughout the year and encourage you all to continue to follow us on our social media journey.


2013 will go down as the year of social media marketing, with many marketers and leading organisations alike starting to sit up and take real notice in the value of going ‘social’ as a marketing tool moving forward, with spending on social media marketing having doubled in the last 12 months.

Social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn all continue to show staggering growth, with no signs of slowing down in the near future, and with millions of users worldwide visiting these sites on an daily basis, on regular intervals, businesses are starting to see the true benefits of having a strong and structured social media presence as a way of showcasing their products and services to their targeted audiences. This progression has seen with it a growing level of sophistication in how people employ a variety of devices to interact with these channels in their everyday lives.

To find out more about how your business could benefit from implementing a social media strategy for 2014 why not get in touch with one of our expert team.
