For one week and one week only. Maisie Yerkess, 18, from Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, became part of #TeamCreative. With her AS exams done and dusted, Maisie’s only challenge left was her work experience here at Creativeworld.

As an award winning creative agency, we always seek the brightest talent when it comes to employing new staff, and Maisie’s keen eye for design and interest in the creative sector made for a perfect fit! We understand how difficult it is for young people these days to acquire that essential experience needed to get their ideal job. For that reason, we welcome those who are seeking work experience and we aim to provide the best opportunity for those hoping to find careers in the marketing/design sectors.

From helping the team come up with fresh ideas for campaigns and designs to experimenting with photography, it’s safe to say that Maisie made an excellent addition to the team, despite her stay only lasting a week.

Here’s what Maisie had to say about her time at Creativeworld:

From taking pictures and designing campaigns, my time doing work experience here was… creative to say the least. My week on the inside gave me an insight into ‘Creativeworld’ – the design, the media and everything else in-between. The relaxed, but hard-working environment of the office showed me a professional approach to achieve all the necessary aims of every working day. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Creativeworld and felt it took no time at all to become part of Team Creative.

The team thoroughly enjoyed having Maisie join us for the week and we wish her all the best for the future.