Your March Social Media Calendar 2024

Brighter days are calling!

With longer days and leaves coming back onto the trees, March feels like a breath of fresh air. Some exciting awareness days fall throughout the month, including my personal favourite #NationalNappingDay.

Let’s dive into your March Social Media Calendar…


March Social Media Calendar

Feeling green…

It’s the luck of the Irish this month, with the country’s national holiday on the 17th. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated, not only in Ireland, but across the globe and so is a chance for your company to stick on there best ‘kiss me quick’ hat and make some memorable content. It’s also a great opportunity for some valuable team building; try raising spirits with some fun Paddy’s Day themed activities or maybe even a cheeky pub crawl.

Just a coincidence?

Spring Equinox and International Day of Happiness both on the 20th – is it a coincidence these two fall on the same day? We don’t know about you, but we are more than ready to say goodbye to cold winter days and say hello to the new life of Spring. Why not take some time this month to breathe some new life into your social media channels? Perhaps experiment with a new style of content or even venture onto a new platform – just keep away from X for your own sanity.

A touch of culture…

Take some time to embrace the arts this month as we see the inclusion of a few cultural awareness days. World Poetry Day on the 21st could see the shiest person in your office reciting Shakespeare out of the blue. Got a budding Phantom or Juliet in your midst? World Theatre Day offers a chance for you to display your acting abilities on the 27th – maybe try some out-of-the-box video content to wow your audience. And finally for the musicians among us, the 28th has us celebrating World Piano Day, a chance for you to showcase your skills and tickle those ivories.


So, there it is… all the important, albeit sometimes slightly unusual, days for you to be aware of in March. A chance for new life, new beginnings and some new social media content to get your brand out there.

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