Your June Social Media Calendar 2024


June is bustin’ out all over…

Does someone want to tell the weather we are supposed to be entering into June? Hopefully brighter days are around the corner, and with a sense of optimism we look to this month’s awareness days in search of inspiration for your social media channels…

June Calendar

Keep your friends close…

It seems that June’s awareness days are all about friends and family. The first of the month marks Global Day of Parents and this theme continues with Father’s Day on the 16th. #NationalBestFriendsDay means it’s not all about parents and offers an opportunity to celebrate those individuals who mean the most. These dates are a great excuse to share some meaningful content across your social media to showcase your brand’s sense of community – this glimpse into your personality can offer some relatability to potential viewers.

Is your belly rumbling?

If you love your food, then you’ll love the plethora of food-based awareness days this month. The 4th, 6th, 7th, 16th, 18th, 23rd and 27th of June all make host to various edible [] and this vast list doesn’t include the drink focused days throughout the month. Why not treat your staff to some midweek treats to coincide with National Donut Day or host a Jacob’s Join for International Picnic Day? And as always ensure you get plenty of snaps to be put to good use on social media to make your viewers suitably jealous of your lunchtime spread.

Take the reins…

June really is the month for any of you horse lovers out there, as there are a couple of royal dates to add to your calendar. The 15th sees the celebration of the King’s Birthday with Trooping the Colour which features a well-practiced horse-lead parade. And for the race-lovers there is Royal Ascot on the 19th, a perfect chance to don your best fascinator and keep an eye out for the best dressed attendees.

And finally of course, the UEFA European Football Championships begins this month! Office sweepstakes anyone? Use this opportunity to get some light-hearted football-flavoured content across your social media channels – content like this works best for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. And no matter who you support, don’t be afraid to get stuck in.

And if you need a little more help, feel free to get in touch with our friendly team today for a free no obligation chat on how we could help your online presence.

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