When you think of the world of contract flooring as an industry, imaginative thinking and a creative design approach may not be the first phrases that spring to mind. But one business that is continuing to break the mould in their approach to marketing is F. Ball & Co. Ltd.

You only need to look at the company’s forward thinking marketing strategy to see why they have been the UK leaders of flooring preparation and adhesive products for decades, and with the latest addition to their High Performance Smoothing Underlayment Range, Stopgap 1200 Pro, the company clearly continues to lead the way.

This latest innovation to the F. Ball product range is the answer to many contract flooring professional’s prayers; a smoothing underlayment that can deliver optimum performance when applied over old adhesive residues, requiring minimum preparation and offering maximum performance for a perfectly smooth finish… guaranteed.

A new product launch is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy no matter what industry you’re in. You only get one chance to introduce something new to the market and getting it right first time is essential.

At Creativeworld we have been providing specialist design, marketing and digital media expertise to F. Ball for over 5 years and have enjoyed a fantastic working relationship with them on a whole host of schemes, from new product and promotional launches through to the development of an iPhone app and online competition websites. Creativeworld’s Sales and Marketing Manager, David Bates, commented on the ideal pairing’s latest collaboration. “A new product launch is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy no matter what industry you’re in. You only get one chance to introduce something new to the market and getting it right first time is essential.”

F. Ball wanted us to come up with a complete product launch package. This included point of sale (POS), promotional posters, press releases, bespoke light box transparencies and a series of promotional adverts to feature in relevant industry publications. A two day product photo shoot was also required. When we work with a company of F. Balls stature it’s important to have a true understanding of what they as a brand represent. Doing this, and by understanding the brand’s core values from the offset, allows us to devise concepts that perfectly complement and enhance in every way.

From initial concept and design, to final creation, the team were on hand every step of the way. This was another exciting project for us to be involved in and we are thrilled with the end results. We wanted to create something eye catching, something that would grab the market’s attention and I think we have managed to achieve that. David added.

Stopgap 1200 Pro is set to revolutionise the way the contract flooring industry works and since the official launch in May 2013, projected sales have soared with F. Ball predicting sales to exceed the seven figure mark in its first full year.

Stopgap 1200 Pro  Stopgap 1200 Pro